Scaling and root planing is an effective way of treating gum disease and consists of cleaning the area between the teeth and gums.
Gum disease can quickly worsen and lead to tooth loss if not addressed. When you have healthy gums, the gum tissue fits snugly around teeth, which prevents plaque from developing beneath the gumline. However, with gum pocketing, the gum tissue becomes loose and at risk for infection.
If you have gum pocketing or gum disease, bacteria, and tartar will accumulate beneath the gumlines. The process of scaling and root planing will remove tartar from the teeth and remove an infection from the root surfaces.
What to Expect with Scaling & Root Planing
The scaling process consists of deep cleaning around the teeth below the gumline. If you have sensitive gums, the dental scaling can cause discomfort, however, anesthesia will numb the affected areas. Your dentist will either use an ultrasonic instrument that consists of a metal vibrating tip or handheld pieces including a scaler and curette to maneuver beneath the gumline and scrape the teeth surfaces clean.
Following the scaling is the root planing, which is similar to the scaling process except the root surfaces are smoothed and cleaned of any infection. This enables the gums to reattach around the teeth.
Following the scaling and root planing procedure, it is normal to experience sensitivity, soreness, swelling, and even bleeding for a few days. It is likely that your dentist will want to see you on a return visit to check the depth of your gum pockets and to visibly assess the healing process. If the gum pockets have not improved or perhaps worsened, your dentist will discuss further treatment.
The scaling and planing procedure offers a non-surgical solution for treating and controlling gum disease. If treatment is successful, oftentimes it can stop the gum disease. To discuss scaling & root planing in Clearwater with your dentist, schedule an appointment today.