Oral cancer screenings are painless and straightforward and can help protect you from potentially deadly forms of oral cancer. They are often part of a routine dental appointment with the purpose of identifying symptoms such as unexplained redness, inflammation, or mouth lesions that could lead to cancer.
Oral cancer screenings involve checking the health of your mouth, throat, tongue, teeth, and gums. While smoking and chewing tobacco increases cancer risk, many individuals that have never used tobacco products get oral cancer. Lifestyles and environment play a role in cancer risk too. For example, alcohol consumption and a poor diet can increase the risk of cancer, as well as too much exposure to the sun. Thousands of people are affected by cancer every year and detecting it early will increase the chances of slowing down its progression or getting rid of it.
Oral Cancer Explained
There are two main types of oral cancer, which are throat cancer (oropharyngeal) and oral cavity cancer, which involves the teeth, gums, mouth, lips, cheeks, and tongue.
Symptoms include:
- Difficulty chewing
- Trouble swallowing
- Changes in voice
- Unexplained weight loss
- Ongoing bad breath
- Lump in the cheek or on the neck
- Perpetual pain in the mouth
- Mouth sores that don’t heal
- Difficulty moving the tongue or jaw
- Numbness in the tongue
When your dentist performs this oral cancer screening, consider your personal lifestyle habits and if you might be at a higher risk. In the event your dentist does encounter possible signs of oral cancer, they will have an immediate conversation with you and possibly recommend additional testing.
While many people consider dentistry as taking care of the teeth, that is only one aspect. The mouth is a complex system involving many parts and your dentist is trained to know all aspects of your oral health. If you’d like to learn more about an oral cancer screening in Clearwater, give our office a call. We will get you set up for an appointment right away.