Brushing your teeth twice a day is necessary for good oral hygiene, but the way you brush your teeth matters too. Improper brushing can cause damage to your teeth and gums. Are you brushing your teeth correctly? Follow these tips to be sure.
Use the Correct Toothbrush
Always use a brush with soft bristles that are preferably rounded on the ends. This protects the enamel and dentin from being scratched. Toothbrushes with medium to firm bristles scrape at your teeth and can cause damage. Toothbrushes are available in a variety of shapes and sizes, so choose a brush that is properly sized and shaped for your mouth to ensure you can reach all angles and surfaces.
It is best to change to a new toothbrush each month, however, switching every three months will work. You should never use a toothbrush when the bristles become misshapen or frayed, as it will not get your teeth clean. Replace a damaged toothbrush immediately.
Use the Correct Brushing Technique
You should always brush twice a day, when you wake and before going to bed. Each session should consist of two-minute intervals. When brushing your teeth use an ADA approved fluoride toothpaste, or a specific one your dentist recommends.
Many people think it is necessary to brush multiple times a day until the teeth are squeaky clean, however, over-brushing can be damaging. If you opt to brush your teeth right after eating, wait at least fifteen minutes. This allows the saliva to do its job, which is to rinse the acid from your mouth. If you’re in a rush and can’t spare the extra wait, prior to brushing rinse your mouth with water.
Although it’s referred to as brushing, you should use the toothbrush to gently massage the teeth clean, so the dentin and enamel aren’t damaged.
Holding the brush at a 45-degree angle towards the gumline, use short circular motions over each tooth, gently covering all surfaces. Using this angle allows you to reach the gumline where bacteria hide. For the hard-to-reach inside surfaces of the front teeth, angle the brush vertically using up and down motions. Spit as necessary while brushing and never swallow toothpaste.
In addition to brushing your teeth be sure to floss daily too. This helps remove food particles between your teeth. If you notice bleeding gums or sensitivity when brushing or flossing, you should schedule an appointment with your dental office. Brushing your teeth is one of the easiest tasks in protecting your oral health.